An Efficient Public Verifiability and Data Integrity Using Multiple TPAs in Cloud Data Storage

Cloud computing is a novel paradigm in informationtechnology. This approach involves methods that forwardservices to users on demand via pay-as-you-go. Cloud computingcan reduce computation and communication costs, and thisadvantage has resulted in the influx of cloud computing users. Cloud storage, which allows users to remotely outsource theirdata to the cloud, is considered a major cloud computing service. However, this form of storage introduces new security challenges, such as unreliable service providers. Data storage correctness isanother challenge that should be addressed before this modernstorage model can be extensively applied. Most proposed schemesfor data integrity verification use a third party auditor, specificallya single third party auditor. However, a single third party auditormay become a bottleneck in the overall system operation andmay degrade system performance because thousands of usersmay delegate their tasks to a single third party auditor. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for securing dataintegrity via a multiple third party auditors based mutual authenticationto overcome the aforementioned limitations and ensurehigh-level security. We suggest a remote data storage correctnesschecking scheme based on homomorphic linear authenticationand an elliptic curve digital signature algorithm to support publicverifiability. Our proposed scheme uses a Merkle hash tree at thecloud server to store data, thereby enabling rapid data access. Finally, our proposed scheme identifies misbehaving servers andverifies data storage correctness.
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