Respuesta de dos cultivares de frijol común a la aplicación foliar de microorganismos eficientes

In order to evaluate the effect of foliar application of efficient microorganisms (EM) in the morphological and productive behavior of two cultivars of common bean. The experiment was carried out in the Cooperative of Credit and Service “Martires de Taguasco,” Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, between the months of November, 2012 to March, 2013. Sowing was carried out on Brown Sialitic Carbonated soil. Four concentrations were studied: 0, 50, 100 and 200 mg L -1 of EM per liter of water, on the cultivar Velazco largo (VLR) and Cuba cueto (CC-25-9-N), applied of foliar form, every seven days from 10 days after germination until flowering (R6). During the development of the crop, the average of leaves per plant were determined and the dry matter g plants -1 and at harvest time the number of pods, grains per pods, 100 grains mass and yield (t ha -1 ). The foliar application of efficient microorganisms stimulated the morphological and productive parameters evaluated and the cultivar CC-25-9-N presented more responses to foliar application that to VLR cultivar and the both cultivars, the best results were attained, to the concentration of 100 mg L -1 , because increase the productivity in 1.13 t ha -1 in the cultivar VLR and 1.15 t ha -1 in CC-25-9-N with respect to control without application.
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