Interdisciplinarna obravnava obstruktivne apneje med spanjem

Obstructive sleep apnea, known as OSA, is a chronic disorder of breathing characterized by frequent episodes of partial or complete obstruction of upper airway during the non-REM phase of sleep. It can be graded as mild, moderate and severe. We know numerous morphological and functional predisposing factors as well as risk factors which contribute to OSA. Among many particularities of stomatognathic system are mandibular microgenia and rethrognatia, bigger base of tongue and longer soft palate and as a consequence the narrowing of upper respiratory tract. The gold standard for the diagnosis is polysomnography. Its primary consequences hypoxemia and recurrent arousals from sleep can show numerous and harmful effects on health, neurophysiological development and quality of life. Today OSA is recognized also as a public health problem. Treatment of OSA is multidisciplinary and very diverse. The article presents the basic facts about the disease with the emphasis on the craniofacial morphology and the role of a dentist, orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeon in its prevention, recognition and treatment.
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