Low-z MgII Broad Absorption-Line Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

We present a sample of 68 low-z MgII low-ionization broad absorption-line (loBAL) quasars. The sample is uniformly selected from the SDSS5 according to the following criteria: (1) 0.4 7, and (3) MgII absorption-line width > 1600 \kms. The last criterion is a trade-off between the completeness and consistency with respect to the canonical definition of BAL quasars that have the `balnicity index' BI>0 in CIV BAL. We adopted such a criterion to ensure that ~90% of our sample are classical BAL quasars and the completeness is ~80%, based on extensive tests using high-z quasar samples with measurements of both CIV and MgII BALs. We found (1) MgII BAL is more frequently detected in quasars with narrower Hbeta emission-line, weaker [OIII] emission-line, stronger optical FeII multiplets and higher luminosity. In term of fundamental physical parameters of a black hole accretion system, loBAL fraction is significantly higher in quasars with a higher Eddington ratio than those with a lower Eddington ratio. The fraction is not dependent on the black hole mass in the range concerned. The overall fraction distribution is broad, suggesting a large range of covering factor of the absorption material. (2) [OIII]-weak loBAL quasars averagely show undetected [NeV] emission line and a very small line ratio of [NeV] to [OIII]. However, the line ratio in non-BAL quasars, which is much larger than that in [OIII]-weak loBAL quasars, is independent of the strength of the [OIII] line. (3) loBAL and non-loBAL quasars have similar colors in near-infrared to optical band but different colors in ultraviolet. (4) Quasars with MgII absorption lines of intermediate width are indistinguishable from the non-loBAL quasars in optical emission line properties but their colors are similar to loBAL quasars, redder than non-BAL quasars. We also discuss the implication of these results.
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