Quantum entanglement and information processing = Intrication quantique et traitement de l'information : École d'été de physique des Houches, session LXXIX, 30 June-25 July 2003, Euro Summer School, École thématique du CNRS

Course 1. Principles of quantum computation, by Isaak Chuang Course 2. Mesoscopic state superpositions and decoherence in quantum optics, by S. Haroche Course 3. Cavity quantum electrodynamics, by M. Brune Course 4. Quantum optical implementation of quantum information processing, by P. Zoller, J.I. Cirac, Luming Duan and J.J. Garcia-Ripoll Course 5. Quantum information processing in ion traps I, by R. Blatt, H. Haffner, C.F. Roos, C. Becher and F. Schmidt-Kaler Course 6. Quantum information processing in ion traps II, by D.J. Wineland Course 7. Quantum cryptography with and without entanglement, by N. Gisin and N. Brunner Course 8. Quantum cryptography: from one to many photons, by Philippe Grangier Course 9. Entangled photons and quantum communication, by M. Aspelmeyer, C. Brukner and A. Zeilinger Course 10. Nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computation, by J.A. Jones Course 11. Introduction to quantum conductors, by D.C. Glattli Course 12. Superconducting qubits, by Michel H. Devoret and John M. Martinis Course 13. Superconducting qubits and the physics of Josephson junctions, by John M. Martinis Course 14. Josephson quantum bits based on a Cooper pair box, by Denis Vion Course 15. Quantum tunnelling of magnetization in molecular nanomagnets, by W. Wernsdorfer Course 16. Prospects for srtong cavity quantum electrodynamics with superconducting cirquits, by S.M. Girvin, R.-S. Huang, A. Blais, A. Wallraff andf R.J. Schoelkopf
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