Передовые технологии и биоэтика (тезисы VIII конференции «Передовые технологии и биоэтика», 7–8 сентября 2011 г. )

The 8th Conference “Advanced Technologies and Bioethics” was taking place on 7th–8th September, 2011 at Moscow University for the Humanities. It was organized by the International Society for Clinical Bioethics, Russian Committee on Bioethics under the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, UNESCO Moscow Office and the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at MosUH. The conference became one of the significant events of the international activity for the scientific community of bioethicists from Russia and foreign countries. Representatives of world bioethics outstanding scientists, experts and researchers, including Boris Yudin (Russia), Awaya Tsuyoshi (Japan), Gordana Pelcic (Croatia) and others — took part in the conference. In this section we publish some theses of the participants' presentations: ◊ A. Tsuyoshi (Japan) Do We Humankind Need Androids? ◊ B. G. Yudin (Russia) Otlozhennye uroki (issledovaniia v Gvatemale, 1946–1948 gg.) ◊ G. Pelcic (Croatia) Children and Healthcare Decision Making ◊ I. V. Siluianova (Russia) Bioeticheskii nigilizm i biomeditsinskie tekhnologii ◊ M. Shimoda (Japan) Philosophical Implication of Advanced Medical Engineering ◊ T. V. Mishatkina, I. P. Merkulova, T. V. Glinkina (Belorussiia) Novye obrazovatel'nye tekhnologii v prepodavanii bioetiki ◊ S. Morimoto (Japan) An Ethics Education Model for Healthcare Providers ◊ S. Vuletic (Croatia) Physician Today — Ethical Aspects of Working in Healthcare System Today ◊ M. E. Guryleva (Russia) Umiraiushchii bol'noi ◊ M. Tatsuya (Japan) Re-thinking the First Euthanasia Case in Japan, 1950 ◊ A. Gjuran-Coha (Croatia) Different Ways of Communication — Sign Language ◊ N. Morishita (Japan) “Transformation of Family” and Medical Ethics — Host Mother Birth as a Test Case ◊ A. Volaric Mrsic (Croatia) A Physician Faced with a Choice: Costs or Benefit? Ethical Aspects ◊ T. Kuramochi (Japan) An Approach to Bioethics of Victims; a Portrait of a SAMURAI in Fukusima ◊ E. R. Valdes Meza (Chile, USA) The Problem of Principlism ◊ V. V. Vlasov, L. E. Ziganshina (Russia) Konflikt interesov pri priniatii reshenii v zdravookhranenii i puti ego preodoleniia ◊ P. D. Tishchenko (Russia) Biotekhnologii: problema sotsial'no raspredelennogo proizvodstva znanii, ekspertizy i otvetstvennosti ◊ L. Tomasevic, A. Jelicic (Croatia) Concept of Person in Modern Bioethical Debate ◊ V. I. Moiseev (Russia) Transdistsiplinarnye tekhnologii i bioetika ◊ E. G. Grebenshchikova (Russia) Transdistsiplinarnye izmereniia biotekhnologicheskikh innovatsii ◊ K. Kai (Japan) Legal and Ethical Issues of Neuroscience ◊ F. T. Nezhmetdinova (Russia) Konvergentsiia NBIK-tekhnologii v zerkale bioetiki ◊ S. Karacic (Croatia), E. Shataeva (Russia) Bioethical Problems of Improvement of Rehabilitation Industry / Bioeticheskie problemy razvitiia reabilitatsionnoi industrii ◊ R. R. Belialetdinov (Russia) Problema nepredskazuemosti riskov v etike novykh tekhnologii ◊ O. Popova (Russia) Ethical Aspects of the Impact on the Human Body in Relation to Medical Technology Development: the Cultural Context ◊ T. A. Sidorova (Russia) Moral'nyi konflikt v bioeticheskom kazuse ◊ M. A. Tetiushkin (Russia) Nevroticheskie rasstroistva kak komponent «chelovecheskogo faktora» v chrezvychainykh situatsiiakh ◊ I. L. Maksimov (Russia) Rossiiskii vrach: etiko-pravovye aspekty deiatel'nosti ◊ A. V. Kashin (Russia) Sovremennyi vrach — formirovanie eticheskikh aspektov raboty v sovremennoi sisteme zdravookhraneniia ◊ A. D. Trubetskov (Russia) Eticheskie problemy meditsiny truda v usloviiakh innovatsionnoi deiatel'nosti ◊E. Kh. Barinov, P. O. Romodanovskii (Russia) Izuchenie prichin vrachebnykh oshibok i otnoshenie k nim vrachei ◊F. G. Mailenova (Russia) Eticheskie aspekty raboty po izmeneniiu ubezhdenii v modeli NLP
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