Plasmocitoma extramedular das fossas nasais Nasal extramedullary plasmacytoma

The myeloma tumors characterized by monoclonal proliferation typically producing immunoglobulin. They may present as a single lesion (solitary plasmacytoma) or multiple lesions (multiple myeloma). The lesions usually occur only in the bones (bone plasmacytoma) but may also occur in most soft tissue (extramedullary plasmacytoma). Their most frequent location is in the head and neck, the peak incidence is in 50-60 years of age, being twice as common in males. We describe the case of a woman, 56 years of age, with nasal complaints and mass of the left nasal cavity, initially interpreted as a nasal polyp. The patient underwent endoscopic sinus surgery with resection of the mass and the pathologic result revealed plasmacytoma. The subsequent investigation showed no evidence of systemic disease. Additionally, we reviewed the caseload for our service and identified two more cases to which we also refer.
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