An Overview of the Navy Occupational Health Information System (NOHIMS)

Abstract : The Navy employs hundreds of thousands of workers (both civilian and Military) who are scattered across the country, involved in a variety of diverse industrial operations, and exposed to multiple health risks from an array of chemicals and operations, and exposed to multiple health risks from an array of chemical and other agents. In order to provide a safe and healthful work environment for these workers as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Navy has developed the Navy Occupational Health Information Monitoring System (NOHIMS) and is currently implementing a pilot system at the Naval Air Rework Facility (NARF), San Diego. NOHIMS has been designed to insure that (1) all individuals exposed to Hazardous agents within a facility are identified, (2) all exposed and procedures needed for prudent monitoring, (4) the environmental information which led to the decision to monitor or not to monitor an individual is recorded, and (5) sufficient data for epidemiological studies are retained in a readily accessible form.
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