Occurrence of Cyclospora cayetanensis in Different Food Matrices: Results from Surveys

Since the full description of Cyclospora in endemic locations was made, coupled with foodborne outbreaks in non-endemic locations, the search for the primary vehicles and routes of transmission has been of major importance. Surveys have been performed in endemic and non-endemic locations to obtain data and understand the environmental distribution of this parasite, as well as to be used for risk assessment of various food commodities and locations. Data accrued to date indicate that Cyclospora oocysts may be found in a variety of fresh produce items. Although berries were particularly implicated in the early outbreaks, this may represent that berries are often imported and often eaten raw, then any specific affinity of Cyclospora for berries, although this remains uncertain. Furthermore, both currently and previously, various salad greens and herbs have also been implicated in foodborne outbreaks of cyclosporiasis. Nevertheless, not all of the produce identified as being contaminated with Cyclospora oocysts has been associated with the illness. Further surveys are likely to result in more data that can be used for risk assessment, determining distribution and endemicity, and elucidating the mechanisms of transmission along with the role of potential vectors or reservoirs. In addition, such data will be of value for evaluating relevant aspects of good agricultural practices and regulations on produce import and export, and for investigating which products should be in focus with respect to investigating processes for removal and/or inactivation of these parasites.
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