Mycorrhizas in fruit nutrition: Important breakthroughs

Abstract This chapter was intended to summarize the current knowledge on mycorrhizal inoculation on mainly fruit plant growth and nutrient uptake. Soil microorganisms mainly AMF directly or indirectly contribute to the beneficial properties of inoculum in enhancing soil health quality, plant growth, and hence agricultural productivity. The effects of mycorrhizal fungi and other microorganisms such as PGPR and Rhizobium on plant growth were extensively searched with new founding recently research works. Plenty of literature is available for the presence/diversity of AM fungi for the enhanced plant growth and mycorrhizal dependency of plant species. The importance of mycorrhiza-dependent plants and dependence on plants was processed. However, studies related to the exploration of such potential AMF's effects on plant growth–promoting nutrient uptake properties under field conditions are insufficient and scarce. Mycorrhiza has a great importance for sustainable agriculture, which enhances the growth of plant species and nutrient uptake especially P, NH4, Cu, and Zn uptake. The effect of mycorrhiza on soil fertility and phosphorus element intake. In addition, how the mycorrhiza is mitigated the stress factor effects on plant growth was extensively searched. The response of AMF inoculation depends on soil, plant species, inoculums, the method of inoculation, and other ecological factors. So, the investigation on the mycorrhiza species and plant species interaction, indigenous mycorrhiza isolation, identification, and characterization for each plant species growth is vitally important for sustainable agriculture.
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