Die Finanzierung der Reproduktionsmedizin : Eine landesweite Umfrage (In der Diskussion)

Co-payments to the extent of 50% of the costs of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) have applied to members of the German statutory health insurances since 2004. This regulation led to a significant decrease in demand for ART. Court decisions confirmed that this is in accordance with German constitutional law. However, there is an ongoing public and political debate on the purpose and justice of limiting coverage in the area of assisted reproduction. Two federal states (Sachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt) introduced tax-financed support for couples undergoing fertility treatment.In a national survey, patients, expert groups and the general public were interviewed regarding their views on the financing of ART. According to the majority of respondents, co-payment by patients is appropriate; however, this should be limited to 15%–20% of costs, considerably less than patients presently have to pay. The respondents had different opinions on whether to raise medical insurance premiums in order to increase benefits in ART. Reducing services in other areas of healthcare in favour of reproductive medicine was generally rejected, as was egg sharing and money-back guarantees as special financing models in the area of assisted reproduction. The potential for saving in the field of ART was considered low.
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