Interactions between the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the artisanal fishing on the Cagarras Island and adjacent areas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The objective of this study was to identify the possible interactions and conflicts between the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and fishery practiced on the Cagarras Archipelago, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, through their traditional knowledge. During 2008 and 2009, 22 interviews were performed with the local fishermen and it was verified that they recognize the species. The Fuzzy logic (MATLAB) revealed that the species T. truncatus is recognized through its occurrence area, color pattern and body size. All the interviewees related negative interactions with the dolphin, as: “to scatter the shoal”, “to rip the gill net” and “to enmesh in the gill net”. The entanglement is frequently registered by the fishermen, and the gill net is responsible for accidental capture in the area around the archipelago. The carcass of the bottlenose dolphin can be thrown back into the sea, and the musculature can be used as bait in the long-line fishery and/or consumed by the fishermen and their families.
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