Studies on the Metabolism of the Abortus-Melitensis Group. 3. Glucose Utilization.

During a series of studies on the nitrogen metabolism of the Bact. abortus-melitensis group which we have reported,1 cultures in both plain and glucose peptone were analyzed for the various nitrogen fractions. As a matter of routine, the Benedict quantitative glucose method was used on all the sugar-containing mediums. It was found that certain strains within the group utilized glucose in amounts of 4 to 18%. This report is a continuation and expansion of the preliminary communication. Source of Strains.-All of the strains which were used in the nitrogen study, with the exception of strain 8, were used in this investigation, and others were added from our collection. There were 17 strains of Bact. abortus of bovine, 17 of porcine, and 11 of human origin, and 20 strains of Bact. melitensis. In table 1 the histories and sources of the additional organisms are given. Strain 48 which was originally isolated from a bovine fetus, but classified by Miss Evans 2 under the melitensis variety, has been grouped here according to its source. Strains 56 and 60, although both coming from caprine sources, have been classified by Miss Evans " as varieties "para-abortus." These also are given in table 1 under the melitensis group.
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