Proteomic profiling combining solution-phase isoelectric fractionation with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using narrow-pH-range immobilized pH gradient gels with slightly overlapping pH ranges

This paper describes a simple new approach toward improving resolution of two-dimensional (2-D) protein gels used to explore the mammalian proteome. The method employs sample prefractionation using solution-phase isoelectric focusing (IEF) to split the mammalian proteome into well-resolved pools. As crude samples are thus prefractionated by pI range, very-narrow-pH-range 2-D gels can be subsequently employed for protein separation. Using custom pH partition membranes and commercially available immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips, we maximized the total separation distance and throughput of seven samples obtained by prefractionation. Both protein loading capacity and separation quality were higher than the values obtained by separation of fractionated samples on narrow-pH-range 2-D gels; the total effective IEF separation distance was ~82 cm over the pH range pH 3–10. This improved method for analyzing prefractionated samples on narrow-pH-range 2-D gels allows high protein resolution without the use of large gels, resulting in decreased costs and run times.
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