X-ray and neutron sensitivity of imaging plates

Periodic sensitivity calibration of imaging plates (IP) is crucial for quantitative understanding of x-ray data obtained at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). To test the x-ray sensitivity of the IPs and the scanners, we developed an x-ray exposure station based on radioactive isotopes (55Fe, 109Cd, and 241Am). This apparatus provides a convenient setup for a periodical test of the IP’s and the scanners. On NIF implosion experiments with deuterium-tritium mixture fuel, the neutrons produced in the capsule hit the imaging plates and impose background signal. Therefore it is also important to know the neutron sensitivity of the IPs. The sensitivity for 14 MeV neutrons was measured on high neutron yield shots at the OMEGA laser facility. The measured sensitivities were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulations.
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