Mineral status of beef cows and sheep on spring pasture fertilized with kieserite.

: The utilization of minerals in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) fertilized with kieserite (2,240 kg/ha) was examined in spring with lactating beef cows and wether lambs. Kieserite increased the concentration of Mg in vegetative herbage from .22 to .29% ( P less than .01) and of S from .20 to .29% (P less than .01), with little effect on other minerals. Fertilization also increased (P less than .01) apparent absorptions of Mg and S by lambs fed cut orchardgrass, from 24.5 to 36.5% and from 58.6 to 66.9%, respectively, and increased (P less than .01) apparent Mg retention from +.16 to +.33 g/day. Fertilization did not affect dry matter digestibility or apparent absorption of N, Ca or P by lambs. composition of blood and saliva of beef cows grazing fertilized and unfertilized pastures was determined during a 2-week period in early spring. Cows grazing kieserite-treated pastures showed a small increase (P greater than .05) in serum Mg, ultrafiltrable Mg and red blood cell (RBC) Mg, and fewer cows on the fertilized pastures showed severe hypomagnesemia (less than 1.0 mg/100 ml) after the first day of grazing. The decline in blood Mg concentrations was not accompanied by hypocalcemia or by changes in serum Na or K concentrations, but serum inorganic P decreased (P less than .01) markedly during the first 10 days of grazing. Ultrafiltrable Ca in blood was affected by fertilizer and period, but it is questionable whether either ultrafiltrable Mg or Ca would provide a more sensitive index of mineral status than serum concentrations. Concentrations of K, NA and P in saliva were more susceptible to fertilizer and period effects than were concentrations in blood, although all values fell within a normal range. There was no evidence of an inverse relationship between serum Mg and concentration of K in saliva of cows after a change from a winter-type diet to spring herbage containing high levels of N and K.
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