Air conditioning vents with fins stamping die and processing method

The present invention discloses conditioning a press die with the fin holes, including the die body, the die body having a first portion and a cylindrical shape die outer diameter of the cylindrical portion of the second die, the first die part is smaller than the outer diameter of the second portion of the die, the first die portion and the die disposed coaxially with the second portion, the first portion near one end of the die of the die body is provided with a circular cross-section shaped aperture, the die body end near the die is provided with a second portion of circular cross-section of the blanking aperture hole shaped hole blanking die are arranged coaxially with the body, the diameter of the hole is larger than the diameter of the blanking aperture formed; punch invention simple die pore structure can be made after press stamping waste off quickly completed, the next step to avoid the impact of waste on the stamping process, to facilitate its mounting, the contact surface of the punching molded finish, can effectively guarantee the quality of the surface of the stamping products, the present invention also describes a press with the air conditioning heat sink holes processing method of the die.
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