Parâmetros utilizados na avaliação de bem-estar do bebê no nascimento

Objective: To identify parameters used to evaluate newborn’s well-being at birth. Content Synthesis: Integrative review of the literature, searching in Pubmed and in the Brazilian Library of Health (BVS) using key words “ Apgar score ”, “ neonatal outcomes ”, “ fetal vitality ” and “ health services evaluation ” for the period of January 2011 to December 2015. Abstracts found were imported to the software Endnote Web®, to remove duplicates, and the remaining ones were exported to the software Covidence®, that allowed the selection of the final sample by two independent researchers. The final sample included 17 studies. The most used parameters were admission of the neonate to an Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the first 24 to 48 hours and the Apgar score, but measurement variations occurred between studies. Others were: birthweight, body temperature, stillbirths and neonatal deaths. Apgar Score, although used globally, allows subjectivity in the evaluation of some variables; it may evaluate baby’s response to the procedures used at birth, but should not be used as a parameter to decide on resuscitation. Conclusion: Some parameters seem to be common among studies; however, studies that assessed newborn’s conditions at birth in some specific contexts added specific parameters that are relevant only that specific context. It’s considered important to train nurses in the measurement of the Apgar Score, since these professionals are responsible for the care of the mother and baby 24 hours a day and in many services are responsible for the first care of the newborn.
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