Role of the N- and C-terminal regions of FliF, the MS ring component in Vibrio flagellar basal body

The MS ring is a part of the flagellar basal body and formed by 34 subunits of FliF, which consists of a large periplasmic region and two transmembrane segments connected to the N- and C-terminal regions facing the cytoplasm. A cytoplasmic protein, FlhF, which determines the position and number of the basal body, supports MS ring formation in the membrane. In this study, we constructed FliF deletion mutants that lack 30 or 50 residues at the N-terminus (ΔN30 and ΔN50), and 83 (ΔC83) or 110 residues (ΔC110) at the C-terminus. The N-terminal deletions were functional and conferred motility of Vibrio cells, whereas the C-terminal deletions were nonfunctional. The mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli to determine whether an MS ring could still be assembled. When co-expressing ΔN30FliF or ΔN50FliF with FlhF, fewer MS rings were observed than with the expression of wild-type FliF, in the MS ring fraction, suggesting that the N-terminus interacts with FlhF. MS ring formation is probably inefficient without an additional factor or FlhF. The deletion of the C-terminal cytoplasmic region did not affect the ability of FliF to form an MS ring because a similar number of MS rings were observed for ΔC83FliF as with wild-type FliF, although further deletion of the second transmembrane segment (ΔC110FliF) abolished it. These results suggest that the terminal regions of FliF have distinct roles; the N-terminal region for efficient MS ring formation and the C-terminal region for MS ring function. The second transmembrane segment is indispensable for MS ring assembly.
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