The Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) Leaf Extract on Streptozotocin-induced Pancreatic Cell Regeneration of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Objectibe The rate of pancreatic cell regeneration after avocado leaf extract intervention in a diabetic animal model induced by streptozotocin was investigated in this study. Method: Experimental study was conducted on 18 male white rats as subjects, which were divided into 6 groups, 3 animals of each. Those were G1 (Feed + Streptozotocin + 10% Sucrose + 100 mg/kg b.w. of extract + 0.5% NaCMC), G2 (Feed + Streptozotocin + 10% Sucrose + 150 mg/kg b.w. of extract + 0.5% NaCMC), G3 (Feed + Streptozotocin + 10% Sucrose + 200 mg/kg b.w. of extract + 0.5% NaCMC), G4 (Feed + Streptozotocin + 10% sucrose + 0.5% Na-CMC), G5 (Feed + Streptozotocin + 10% sucrose + Glibenclamid + 0.5% Na-CMC), G6 (Normal healthy animal + Feed). Results: The pancreatic cells damage in animal diabetic model, G1 = 1.67 (moderate cell damage); G2 = 1.00 (mild cell damage); G3 = 0.33 (no damage); G4 = 3.00 (severe cell damage); G5 = 0.33 (no damage); G6 = 0.33 (no damage). Conclusion: The dose of 200 mg/kg b.w. of avocado leaf extract contributed the most significant recovery of pancreatic cell of diabetic animal induced with streptozotocin, equivalent to glibenclamide.
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