Database Creation for Information Processing Methods, Metrics, and Models (DCIPM3)

Abstract : One challenge of tactical information processing within the demanding net-centric environment is the fusion of data extracted from various free-form message databases. The development of high-level data fusion products addresses this challenge; however, development relies heavily on the availability of large, accurate data sets. This report documents the Database Creation for Information Processing Methods, Metrics, and Models (DCIPM3) project that creates, from a U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)-designated context, a notional albeit realistic detailed scenario encompassing a multitude of social interactions. A time ordered event list (TOEL) was created from the scenario that includes references to multiple forms of communication, events, and interactions between subjects. An extensive message set that includes communication between subjects was derived from the TOEL. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) was used to create an ontology populated with information, e.g., 'meet at two,' from the message set. Resource Description Framework (RDF) triples were extracted from this ontology. The resulting database from the extracted triples can be used by the information fusion community when both a known social context and a comprehensive database of messages to support that context are required.
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