Effects of smoking cigarette on intrauterine insemination outcomes

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cigarette smoking on intrauterine insemination (IUI) outcome in men with normal sperm concentrations. Semen samples were obtained from smoker (n=120) and non-smoker (n=125) IUI couples in our center. Semen analysis were performed manually according to WHO guidelines and Kruger's strict criteria. We found that the quality of sperm parameters in the smoker men was not significantly different than that of the nonsmoker men (p>0.05) except for ratios of chromatin condensation and progressive motility (p<0.05). Pregnancy rate of the smoker group was significantly lower than that of the nonsmoker group (p<0.001). In conclusion, smoking cigarette has a negative effect on chance of conceiving after IUI in couples with smoking male partners. Keywords: Infertility, sperm parameters, intrauterine insemination, pregnancy rate Ozet Bu calismada sperm konsantrasyonlari normal olan erkeklerde, sigara icmenin intrauterin inseminasyon (IUI) basarisi uzerindeki etkisi incelendi. Semen ornekleri sigara kullanan (n=120) ve kullanmayan (n=125) IUI hastalarindan saglandi. Semen analizi WHO onerileri ve Kruger kriterlerine gore manuel olarak yapildi. Kromatin kondensasyon ve progresif motil spermatozoa yuzdesi (p<0.05) haricindeki sperm parametreleri, sigara icen ve icmeyen erkekler arasinda benzer bulundu (p<0.05). Gebelik orani ise, sigara icen grupta sigara icmeyenlere gore anlamli olarak dusuk izlendi (p<0.001). Sonuc olarak, esin sigara icmesi IUI yapilan kadinlarda gebelik sansi uzerine olumsuz etki gostermektedir.  Anahtar sozcukler: Kisirlik, sperm parametreleri, intrauterine inseminasyon, gebelik orani
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