Research on the effectiveness of individual infiltration devices

The increasing urbanization process in Europe has resulted in an increase in the proportion of impervious areas in the development of watersheds. This fact, combined with the more frequent occurrence of volatile rainfall, contributes to the formation of high intensity surface runoff, which results in local flooding of the lowest located areas. Water runoff also causes a large amount of pollution from the catchment to be flushed away and transported to the receiver, which generates many negative effects on the environment. Due to these unfavorable changes in the urban catchment, it is necessary to manage the waters in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. One of the basic tools to protect the quantity and quality of water discharged from the catchment area is to take into account the need to implement technical solutions to increase the retention of rainwater in cities. Such solutions, consisting of designing natural rainwater management systems, could work independently or in cooperation with traditional rainwater drainage systems [1].
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