Determination of the bioenergy production capacity from biochemical profiles of some aquatic phytoremediation plants. Energy while cleaning.

This study aims to research the possibilities of converting some hydrophytes into energy by revaluating them after the harvesting process. These hydrophytes used in the phytoremediation studies disperse naturally in aquatic mediums, sometimes even revealing themselves as invasive species. Chosen hydrophytes samples (Eichornia crassipes, Cyperus alternifolius, Lemna minor, Pistia stratiotes, Typha latifolia, Nasturtium officinale , Houttonia cordata) are analysed in terms of oil rate, biochemical profiles which include elaeostearic compositions, COI/T.20/Doc No 17 (capillary column gas chromatography) and in-house methods. The obtained data are analysed in comparison to the elaeostearics rate and compositions of the plants used in biodiesel procurement (canola, soy, palm, sunflower, Botryococcus and Chlorella oils). As a result, it is found that linolenic acid and linoleic acid percentages especially stand forth in the plants Eichornia sp., Cyperus sp., Lemna sp., the stearic and oleic acid percentages are significantly high in Pistia sp., and palmitic elaeostearic percentage is higher in the plants of Houttonia sp. and Nasturtium sp. than the plants currently used in biodiesel procurement, yet the oil rate within their system is lower than these plants. Moreover, it is thought that the plant waste obtained after the harvest carried out in order to ensure the water quality of the systems may in the least meet this deficit.
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