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Urban Transport Dynamics

Urban transport system, which comprises many interconnected subsystems, is characterized by complexities. Some observers even described it as “a system of system” (e.g., see Kaijser 2005). The performance of urban transport depends upon the state and interactions of all related factors of these subsystems and other exogenous factors. However, changes in economic, demographic, and spatial aspects of the metropolitan area bring corresponding changes in the state of various system elements. Most importantly, the pattern of transport demand along with users preference changes over time (Mayer and Miller 2001). The multiple subsystems undergoing dynamic changes significantly increase the complexities of the urban transport system and, thereby, pose difficult challenges to the policymakers. Several policy paradoxes and dilemma are the norms rather than exceptions in the domain of urban transport policy. Understanding such complex and dynamic characteristics of urban transport system is essential to explore effective policy options particularly for developing Asian megacities. This would also help to overcome the apparent dichotomy of short-term versus long-term perspective, which often takes the center stage while debating important urban transport policies particularly in developing countries. The core arguments advanced in this chapter are based on the premise that the notion of short term versus long term is, in a way, false dichotomy and is basically the result of ignoring underlying currents of urban transport dynamics while setting policy strategies.
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