Оценка показателей доплеровского движения фиброзных колец атриовентрикулярных клапанов в исследовании функционального состояния сердца у больных артериальной гипертонией

The article highlights the examination of 92 patients, 72 of which had arterial hypertension of varying degree. Left ventricular systolic function was assessed by ejection fraction (EF) and systolic speed of mitral valve ring movement in pulse wave-tissue Doppler imaging (PW-TDI). Diastolic function of left and right ventricles was examined using the ratio of diastolic peak flow velocities on mitral and tricuspid valves as well as by diastolic movement of their rings in PW-TDI. PW-TDI parameters were found to be more sensible in case of global contractility of left ventricle (in comparison with ejection fraction of left ventricle) and diastolic function of left and right ventricles (relative to their ratio of peak flow velocities). The earliest marker of diastolic dysfunction of left and right ventricles is change of the ratio of early and late diastolic movement velocities of tricuspid ring eTK/aTK.
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