Computing isomorphisms between lattices.

Let K be a number field, let A be a finite dimensional semisimple K-algebra and let Lambda be an O_K-order in A. It was shown in previous work that, under certain hypotheses on A, there exists an algorithm that for a given (left) Lambda-lattice X either computes a free basis of X over Lambda or shows that X is not free over Lambda. In the present article, we generalise this by showing that, under weaker hypotheses on A, there exists an algorithm that for two given Lambda-lattices X and Y either computes an isomorphism X -> Y or determines that X and Y are not isomorphic. The algorithm is implemented in Magma for A=Q[G] and Lambda=Z[G], where G is a finite group satisfying certain hypotheses. This is used to investigate the Galois module structure of rings of integers and ambiguous ideals of tamely ramified Galois extensions of Q with Galois group isomorphic to Q_8 x C_2, the direct product of the quaternion group of order 8 and the cyclic group of order 2.
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