T he R ole of " B ig D ata" in R egional L ow - C arbon M anagement : A Case in China

Low - carbon management is an important area of urban study and city management, and it is a critical element of the modern city system. Even though the importance of l ow - carbon management has been re cognized, low - carbon problems are still salient and even worse than ever before in some developing countries, like China. Nowadays, "big data" techniques may change this dilemma in the regulatory process and innovation of social governance . However, few st udies have been conducted to examine the role of big data in regional low - carbon management, especially in developing countries . In this study , by drawing on the experience of other countries and using " big data " methods, we have developed an approach of u sing a big data model to improve low - carbon management in Beijing (the capital of P.R. China), and we have proposed some policy suggestions.
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