Spatial and structural interrelationships between secretory cells of the subcommissural organ and blood vessels. An immunocytochemical study.

In 76 specimens (amphibians, reptilians, mammals) belonging to 25 different vertebrate species, the region of the subcommissural organ (SCO) was investigated with the use of a primary antiserum raised against an extract of bovine Reissner's fiber + the immunoperoxidase procedure according to Sternberger et al. (1970). In the SCO of a toad (Bufo arenarum) and several species of reptiles (lacertilians, ophidians, crocodilians), the ependymal cells were the only type of secretory cell displaying vascular contacts, whereas in mammals ependymal and hypendymal cells established intimate spatial contacts with blood vessels. In Bufo arenarum, but especially in the reptilian species examined, the ependymo-vascular relationship was exerted by a population of ependymal cells having a rather constant location within the SCO and projecting to capillaries that showed a remarkably constant pattern of anatomical distribution. In the SCO of mammals the modality and degree of the structural relationships between secretory cells and blood vessels varied greatly from species to species. In the SCO of the armadillo and dog the secretory tissue was organized as a thick, highly vascularized layer with most of the cells oriented toward the capillaries. A rather opposite situation was found in the SCO of New- and Old-World monkeys, where vascular contacts were restricted to a few ependymal cells.
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