Multiplication and Isolation of Hepatitis C Virus in the NGUK-1 Rat Neurinoma Neural Cells

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) strains were isolated from human sera in vitro. NGUK-1 rat neu rinoma neural cells [1] were selected as the experimental model of HCV. The cells were infected after attaining the confl uence. The virus caused no cytopathic effect during its multiplication. After monolayer infection (24-96 h), culture fl uid samples were tested for HCV RNA by classical PCR with electrophoretic detection of the reaction products and by quantitative real time PCR. All samples from infected culture were positive, control samples (intact cultures) were negative. Coeffi cient of correlations in quantitative PCR was 0.99. The results are reliable, conform to the normal values for this series of the test system, and indicate that HCV is replicated in continuous NGUK-1 cells. This in vitro model can be used for isolation of HCV.
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