[Medico-genetic study of the population of Turkmenia. V. A population and demographic description of the Nokhur isolate].

: The paper deals with demographic, genealogical and genetic characterization of one Turkmenian isolate--"Nochur". The data on its load of hereditary diseases were published previously. The Turkmenian "Nochurly" tribe consists of 19 large and small clanes. 600 nuclear families live in a small mountain valley of the same name. The share of prereproductive age class is 60%, of reproductive class--29%, this value for postreproductive class being 11%. The average number of children per family, when the families have completed their reproductive period, is 6.84. The average duration of generation (the mean parental age to the birth time of a mean newborn) is 37.7 and 31 years for a man and woman, respectively. Immigration into Nochur is practically absent, there is a flow of emigrants to the capital of the Republic, Ashkhabad. A very high level of assortative mating has been noted, the minimal estimation of inbreeding coefficient being 0.033 (the pedigree) and the maximal--0.0529 (isonimy). Diminishing of the number of lethal equivalents between 1940-1965 and 1966-1980 was discovered. This can be explained by a decrease in natural selection pressure. The data on distribution of genetic markers of the ABO, MN, Rh, Hp and Pp systems within this isolated population are presented.
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