Erfolgreiche Personalentwicklungsprojekte am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg im Pflege- und Prozessmanagement

The University Medical Centre Freiburg (UMCF) is a hospital with 10,000 employees, including 2,800 nurses. The staff’s main aim is to meet the excellent reputation of the Medical Faculty of the University. The Director of Nursing and Process Management implemented diverse projects in the human resources development, three will be provided in this chapter. One of these programs enables nurses to work on an intensive care unit right after passing their exam. It provides those nurses with a ‘training on the job’ including mentoring. This program addresses the lack of qualified nurses specialists in the intensive care units and allows the University Medical Centre Freiburg to deliver continuously excellent care. The second project mentioned is the development of a new role in nursing, the ‘Prozessverantwortlichen’ (care manager). These are nurses on the wards who are in charge for patient processes, especially for those patients with complex care situations. The goal is to synchronize the care process with the medical treatment process in order to discharge the patients within the DRG related days into a supporting setting. The third program explored is a program for nursing staff to maintain in nursing profession and at the UMCF. This program includes group training in a personal resource management program as a well as sport activities offered close to the work place.
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