Influence of apple purée preparation and storage on polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity

Abstract The polyphenolic components of Idared and Shampion apple purees were determined by HPLC; chlorogenic acid was the most abundant acid (20.0 mg/100 g in microwaved Idared); other polyphenols identified in high concentrations included (−)-epicatechin, procyanidin B1 and B2; quercetin and cyanidin glycosides were found in minor concentrations. The Shampion purees had higher total phenolics (142 mg/100 g) and procyanidin B2 concentrations (17.3 mg/100 g) than the Idared ones, and polymeric procyanidins represented 41% of all polyphenols. Antioxidant capacities of the samples, determined by spectrophotometric methods and EPR spectroscopy, correlated well with the concentration of polyphenols. The antioxidant properties could be better represented by EPR than by UV–vis measurements. The latter require transparent (clear) samples whereas EPR can be a method of choice in the assessment of radical-scavenging activity of dense and cloudy apple purees. Our results support the putative high antioxidant value of apple purees and define their capacity in terms of the major constituents. Apple purees are a rich source of natural antioxidants, especially of chlorogenic acid and procyanidins.
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