Is Soft-CLIL the solution to Spaniards' low level in English? A suggested planning model

espanolLa consolidacion del ingles como lingua franca en nuestra sociedad actual ha dado lugar a que su aprendizaje ya no sea una eleccion si no un requisito en nuestro sistema educativo dando lugar a un fuerte crecimiento de diferentes metodos de ensenanza. En los ultimos anos, el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) se han posicionado como uno de los metodos de ensenanza mas importantes. Aun asi, la poca cohesion entre los autores sobre sus practicas y la aplicacion del modelo, ademas de la necesidad de formacion en lenguaje y contenido por parte del profesor, ha hecho que su aplicacion en nuestro sistema educativo sea complicada. Por estas razones, una buena alternativa para solventar este problema, es la combinacion del llamado “softCLIL” y la ensenanza por proyectos. Por consiguiente, es la intencion de este articulo sugerir un modelo de planificacion de unidades didacticas que combine estos dos metodos de ensenanza en Mallorca, donde aunque AICLE esta bastante extendido, la ensenanza por proyectos a nivel de secundaria es practicamente nula. EnglishThe consolidation of English as the lingua franca of today’s society has meant that its learning is no longer a choice, but a requirement due to the importance it now reflects in our educational system and the subsequent growth of different teaching approaches. Among the wide variety of methodologies, in the last few years, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been positioned as one of the most important teaching approaches. However, the lack of cohesion among the authors about its teaching practices and the application of the model, as well as the training CLIL requires in mastering both content and language, have made their introduction in our educational system difficult. For these reasons, a good alternative to solve this problem is the combination of the socalled “soft-CLIL” and Project-Based learning (PBL). As a result, it is the aim of this article to suggest a model that combines both of these learning approaches in the Majorcan setting where, although CLIL is quite extended, PBL is almost nonexistent at a secondary-school level.
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