Some Considerations on Intelligent Online Behavioural Advertising

English Abstract: The Cambridge Analytica scandal in March 2018 was a useful reminder of how personal data is used for targeting users and of how such targeting has profound societal consequences. Online behavioural advertising refers to advertisements, which are tailored to the tastes and habits of the user who actually views them. It is an intricate phenomenon for a number of reasons, including a twofold regulatory interweave. Firstly, between top-down and self-regulation. Secondly, between the personal data perspective and the competition one. This paper aims to get the knots out in the belief that rising awareness about the issues in online behavioural advertising is pivotal to a fair online environment. The paper is particularly timely in light of new regulations (draft ePrivacy Regulation and General Data Protection Regulation), worrying industry moves (e.g. the Facebook / WhatsApp data synchronisation), and the advent of new technologies. In particular, it will be shown that artificial intelligence presents not only threats to consumers, but also opportunities for bespoke compliance mechanisms. As an appendix, the “Cooperative Charter for an Integrated Approach to Online Behavioural Advertising” is presented in order to facilitate the dialogue between the stakeholders and ensure a balanced regulation of online behavioural advertising. French Abstract: Le concept de publicite comportementale en ligne designe des publicites adaptees aux gouts et aux habitudes de l’utilisateur pour qui elles s’affichent. Il s’agit d’un phenomene complexe pour differentes raisons, dont notamment une double question reglementaire : d’abord, elle genere un debat entre la necessite d’une regulation du haut vers le bas ou d’une autoregulation ; ensuite, elle confronte une approche centree sur la protection des donnees personnelles aux tendances du marche. Le present article a pour but de dissiper le postulat selon lequel les problematiques relatives a la publication comportementale en ligne sont determinantes pour un environnement en ligne equitable. La contribution traite en particulier des nouvelles legislations (Projet de Reglement ePrivacy et Reglement general sur la protection des donnees), qui font craindre des changements entrepreneuriaux (par exemple, la synchronisation des donnees Facebook/WhatsApp), et l’avenement de nouvelles technologies. Il sera demontre, en particulier, que l’intelligence artificielle comporte certes des menaces pour les consommateurs, mais aussi des opportunites propices a la mise en place de mecanismes de compliance adaptes. L’instrument “Cooperative Charter for an Integrated Approach to Online Behavioural Advertising” est presente en annexe. Il vise a faciliter un dialogue entre les differents groupes d’interets et a assurer une reglementation equilibree de la publicite comportementale en ligne.
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