Evaluation of LIRIC Algorithm Performance Using Independent Sun-Sky Photometer Data at Two Altitude Levels

The authors thank the FEDER program for the instrumentation used in this work and the University of Granada for supporting this study through the Excellence Units Program “Plan Propio. Programa23 Convocatoria 2017”. CIMEL Calibration was performed at the AERONET-EUROPE calibration center, supported by ACTRIS. We also express our gratitude to the developers of the LIRIC algorithm and software. The authors thank Sierra Nevada National Park for support in the maintenance of the Sun-sky photometer station at Cerro Poyos. Maria J. Granados-Munoz is funded by a Maria Sklodowska-Curie IF under grant agreement no. 796539. Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda and Antonio Valenzuela received funding from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Cofund 2016 EU project Athenea3i under grant agreement no. 754446. Jose Antonio Benavent-Oltra is funded by the University of Granada through “Plan Propio. Programa 7, Convocatoria 2019”. This work was also supported by the Ambizione program of the Swiss National Science Foundation (project no. PZ00P2 168114).
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