The role of laser biostimulation in early post-surgery rehabilitation and its effect on wound healing.

BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper is to investigate whether laser biostimulation starting on the first day after surgery of the brachial plexus or peripheral nerves has a positive therapeutic effect on wound healing. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Surgical procedures were carried out on 44 male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into a control group (Group 1), where the surgical wounds were allowed to heal spontaneously, and an experimental Group 2, where the wounds were exposed to laser irradiation with the following parameters: wavelength 810 nm, power 100 mW, energy 15 J, laser exposure surface 3 cm(2), single application time 2 min. 30 sec., continuous mode. The results were assessed with pathomorphological tests (gross appearance of the wound, light and electron microscopy studies) and breaking strength examination. Statistical analysis used arithmetic means, standard deviations and Student's t test for independent samples. RESULTS: Low energy infrared laser radiation had a beneficial effect on the covering of the scar with stratified squamous cornifying epithelium and intensified wound healing. CONCLUSIONS: The gross and microscopic findings indicated a beneficial effect of laser stimulation on wound healing. These results underscore the utility of biostimulation lasers in the early post-operative period. Physicomechanical investigations did not reveal an effect of infrared laser biostimulation on the breaking strength of the cutaneous scar.
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