A Comparison of The Effects of Adoption, Restoration to the Natural Mother, and Continued Institutionalization on the Cognitive Development of Four-Year-Old Children.

TIZARD, BARBARA, and REEs, JUDITH. A Comparison of the Effects of Adoption, Restoration to the Natural Mother, and Continued Institutionalization on the Cognitive Development of FourYear-Old Children. CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 1974, 45, 92-99. 65 children aged 41 years who had spent their first 2-4 years in institutions were tested, and an assessment was made of their behavior in the test situation. 24 of the children had been adopted and 15 restored to their natural mothers at a mean age of 3 years; the remaining 26 were still in institutions. The mean WIPPSI IQs of all groups were at least average; the adopted children had significantly higher IQs, were initially more friendly, and were less restless and distractible than the other children. The findings are discussed in relation to the concept of institutional deprivation.
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