Economic and Technical Aspects of Gas Turbine Power Stations in Total Energy Applications.

Abstract : This report summarizes a study of gas turbine power plant options which will be available in 1985 for use in total energy system applications. The gas turbines examined are of the aircraft derivative and industrial types. If coal were used as the fuel combustion chamber modification for use of low-BTU gasified coal in the power plant would be required. Such power plants could be controlled by means of the standard fuel control method, although turbine bypass control would also be possible. For total energy applications it would be necessary to replace the steam boiler of the steam bottoming cycle which is currently used in such applications with a high temperature water heat exchanger; however, such a design change would not be difficult to implement. Aircraft derivative turbines are more expensive but easier to maintain, transport, and repair, and are amenable to design of a more reliable power station than industrial turbines. On that basis, the former turbine type is judged to be preferable for military installation total energy applications. (Author)
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