Biodiversity “And” Systemic Knowledge Engineering – Theory, Logic and Praxis (Ii) - an Interdisciplinary Way Toward Knowledge Society / Does the Generosity _Creativity _ Solidarity Triad (and Integrated Project) Matter on the Triadic Emeh '11 Conference Pluri - Domain: Environment, Medicine, Health Sciences?

“Biodiversity ‘AND’ Systemic Knowledge Engineering – Theory, Logic and Praxis (II) - an Interdisciplinary Way toward Knowledge Society” was an embedded (sub)title of a Symposium proposed and held by some members of the Center for Agroforestry Biodiversity Study and Research (CSCBA) - Postdoctoral School for Livestock Biodiversity and Food Biotechnology – from the National Institute for Economical Research (INCE) - Romanian Academy, and from the Interdisciplinary Research Group from Romanian Academy structures into the high studies host environment, at Playa Meloneras, Spain, during the 5th WSEAS International Conference on MANAGEMENT, MARKETING and FINANCES (MMF '11), Playa Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain, March 24-26, 2011.The study “Does the Generosity _Creativity _ Solidarity Triad (and Integrated Project) Matter on the Triadic EMEH '11 Conference Pluri - Domain: Environment, Medicine, Health Sciences?”, as part of this (e-)Symposium has the following resume address:There is the invitation to conceptually inquiry on the symmetry or asymmetry of the two triadic constructs: the pluri-domain Environment Sciences, Medicine, Health Science (according to the EMEH '11 Conference), and the Generosity _Creativity _Solidarity Triad. Alongside this inquiry on the symmetry or asymmetry, let introspect the content of the original four-entities structure addressing the profoundness of both reality per se and theory per se. This conceptual original four-entities aggregate structure belongs to the Canadian and Austrian scientist Richard Mattesich.But not instant connections are possible between the four parts of “reality and theory”, as above. The probability / fuzziness / subtleness of this possibility of revealing these profound connections is proper to each action of humankind toward Microcosms, toward Macrocosms, and toward per se human-Cosmos domains. However, the potential World-Mind reservoir relation (as a type of representation) is to be accepted as a background to the intended (re)ordering of some proper (non)systemic frame notions. So, the open invitation addressed to the scientific community of the EMEH '11 Conference in the name of the Generosity – Creativity – Solidarity Consortium, by the co-authors team, may be received as a local form from the reservoir of {World-Mind} relations - just intended to represent the contemporary humankind needs/possibilities versus the multi-thematic domain of the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) and based on the broader issues of the UN Millennium Goal and of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs: Europe 2020.The study ends with a set of affirmations which are not a sort of “definition” but a “defining tension” / “i.e.” alongside the four type of contemporary thinking promoted: {geomodernity; fuzzification; transdisciplinarity; structural-phenomenology} – i.e. related to the entireness of the source of contemporary thinking fragmentation / see: Nicolae Bulz’s e-studies, 2013. E.g.:The ANGELIC STANCE is a human reflexive proper neural-cognitive-linguistic background to explain/understand the eco-bio-cosmos-paradigms construct (Alexandru T. Bogdan, 2013). The HUMAN STANCE is an unique proper neural-cognitive-linguistic background to explain/understand the multipolar conflict-consensus: sustainable development / eco-anthropic survival. This conflict-consensus is probabilistic, fuzzy and subtle bordered by the eco-bio-geo-paradigms construct. In order to consolidate/continue the above affirmations/propositions, the co-authors will be dedicated, into a next stage toward a sequential variance of this study/communication, addressing their inquiries to prominent authors of some (e-)published works.
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