The Effect of Explicit Reading Strategy Training on Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement and Reading Self-Efficacy:

This study examined the effect of explicit reading strategy training on the readingcomprehension achievement and reading self-efficacy of Grade 11 students at JimmaPreparatory School. The study employed quasi-experimental design through the use ofreading comprehension test and structured questionnaire as tools of data collection. Thesubjects of the study were 100 grade eleven students. From these students, 50 studentsparticipated in the experimental group, and another 50 students involved in the controlgroup. Quantitative method of data analysis (mean scores and independent sample t-test)was used to analyze the data. The finding of the study revealed that while both theexperimental group (who received explicit reading strategy training) and control group(who received implicit reading strategy training) benefited from reading strategy training,the students in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group in readingcomprehension achievement and reading self-efficacy scores after the experiment. Thisshows that explicit reading strategy training helped the experimental group students tosignificantly improve their reading comprehension ability and reading self-efficacy.Thus, the study concluded that explicit reading strategy training has more positive effectson reading comprehension achievement and reading self-efficacy than implicit readingstrategy training. It is, thus, recommended that teachers of English in the Ethiopiancontext need to focus more on explicit reading strategy in their strategy-based readinginstruction.
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