A proof-of-concept of smart lightweight cone for explosive ordnance mitigation in nonpermissive operating environment

The prolonged armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine since 2014 has generated the increasing public safety concern about landmines, abandoned unexploded ordnance (UXO) and small-size explosive remnants of war, which are spreading around the region of a conflict. Such ordnance can be used for making the improvised explosive devices (IED) as well. The background studies have identified the following key obstacles which make UXO demining and cleaning in that region challenging: an absence of government-endorsed national technical standards against which demining activity can be measured in crowded areas and non-permissive operating environment (i.e. public transport hubs and metro), and not enough human and technical capacity. Demining is carried out often using different techniques and outdated equipment. During the applied research project, the available open source international best practices and the UXO risk assessment methods were reviewed and assessed, firstly. Secondly, a new demining methodology was developed for improving the existing standard operating procedures of the bomb disposal units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU). Thirdly, a proof-of-concept was designed for field trials. A prototype of a light-weight smart steel cone was constructed which can cover small-size UXO in critical infrastructures like metro without using heavy commercial explosive ordinance disposal robots and causing a minimum impact to environment and ecology. Live field testing was conducted. Finally, based on the successful trials, the recommendations for the standard operating procedures (SOP) of the bomb disposal units of the SESU were produced. For example, this cone can be stored in metro station and easily transported by a security guard, who covers abandoned UXO. If an object goes off before the bomb squad arrives on site, then this device can efficiently protect the crowed area and environment from the bomb fragments. This new demining equipment was granted a patent.
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