An Examination of Sport Fans ’ Perceptions of the Impact of the Legalization of Sport Wagering on Their Fan Experience

Summarizing the powerful relationship between sport fandom and gambling, Wann, Melnick, Russell, and Pease (2001) concluded that "Sport consumption and gambling go hand in hand" (p. 37). Indeed, figures for sport wagering can be staggering. For instance, it has been estimated that people wager billions of dollars on sport annually, either legally or (mostly) illegally (Claussen & Miller, 2001; Kelly, 2011; McKelvey, 2004). The American Gaming Association (Sports wagering, 2013) reported that, in 2012, $3.45 billion was wagered legally in Nevada alone.At issue in the current investigation are the potential impacts of the increased legalization and accessibility of sport gambling (the current work focuses exclusively on sport wagering within the U.S.). In particular, the current work investigated the relationship between various personality and trait variables and perceptions of the potential impacts of increased legalization of sport wagering. The personal traits of interest included sport fandom (the extent to which an individual identifies with the role of sport fan; Wann, 2002) and economic motivation (the extent to which individuals are motivated to follow sport for the opportunity to place sport wagers, Wann, 1995). Increased legalization of sport gambling was viewed as potential changes in gambling laws that would render legalized sport wagering as more readily available (e.g., at casinos and race tracks). That is, opportunities to legally wager on sport would be available beyond the current few locations (such as Las Vegas).As a result of the 1992 Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, only a handful of states are permitted to offer legalized gambling (Nevada, Delaware, Oregon, Montana). However, other states have become interested in allowing legalized sport wagering, generally in hope of gaining tax revenue. At the front of this movement has been the state of New Jersey, where law makers attempted to establish legalized sport gambling in 2012. In response, sport leagues/organizations sued the state of New Jersey in an effort to stop state authorities from legalizing sport gambling. These organizations (i.e., National Collegiate Athletic Association, Major League Baseball, National Football League, National Basketball Association, and National Hockey League) traditionally argued that the increased legalization of sport wagering would significantly damage their product. Although they argued multiple points in opposition of legalized sport wagering (e.g., increased game "fixing" on the part of players and others, increased criminal activity, diminished league integrity), one dispute speaks directly to the psychology of the sport fan and spectator (Tuohy, 2013). Specifically, league officials argued that increased legalization of sport wagering would fundamentally change the manner in which fans and spectators follow, consume, and react to sporting events.Recently, however, certain professional sports leagues have warmed to the idea of sports wagering. In November 2014, the New York Times published an op-ed by National Basketball Association (NBA) Commissioner Adam Silver in which he advocated for legalized betting on professional sports events. Silver stated that sports betting has become an accepted part of the sport experience and is now a global phenomenon. He also argued for the regulation of such activities to protect the consumer and their interests (Silver, 2014). While sports leagues have traditionally had a tenuous relationship with sports gambling, Silver's statements represent one of the first major attempts by a major American sports executive/commissioner to embrace the peripheral activity. Interestingly, Silver's op-ed was published one day after a partnership was announced between and the NBA to offer the first official sanctioned one-day fantasy game (FanDuel, 2014b).Empirical Examinations of Sport GamblingA number of researchers have examined the issue of sport gambling, as well as investigating persons who report an interest in the activity. …
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