Near Real-Time Global Ionospheric Modeling Based on an Adaptive Kalman Filter State Error Covariance Matrix Determination Method

Aiming at the urgent demands on (near) real-time ionosphere products, we study the near real-time (NRT) modeling of the global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) by IGS hourly data and introduce the Kalman filter (KF) to solve the model parameters. The main objective of this article is to propose an adaptive method for determining the KF process noise covariance matrix. This method can reflect the change regularity of spherical harmonic (SH) between epochs and consider the impact of the current ionosphere level on SH. It can adaptively adjust the KF process noise covariance matrix of each epoch to improve the accuracy of NRT global ionosphere maps (GIMs). We analyze the effects of different initial values of the state vector and its covariance matrix on the SH coefficients and propose a method to avoid repeated filter initialization. The results show that for different initial values, the filter can reach the state of convergence within 6 h, but a high-precision initial value can significantly accelerate the KF convergence speed. Compared with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) differential slant TEC (dSTEC) observables, the rms of our NRT products xrtg during quiet and magnetic storms are 1.47 and 1.56 TECU, respectively, larger than the postprocessed GIMs, but significantly smaller than those of real-time GIMs. Compared with Jason VTEC, the results also show that the accuracy of xrtg is even better than European Space Agency (ESA) final products during the magnetic storm.
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