ENCCAWP17-WP7 consensus paper on teenagers and young adults (TYA) with bone sarcomas

Teenagers and young adults (TYA) cancer contributes substantially to morbidity and mortality in a population with muchto offer society. TYA place distinct challenges upon cancer care services, many reporting feeling marginalized and theirneeds not being met in adult or paediatric cancer services. Bone tumours such as osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma,because of theirage at presentation and the complexityof theircare, arewhere challenges in managing (TYA) with cancerhave often been most readily apparent. Bone sarcomas may be managed by paediatric or medical oncologists, andrequire fastidious attention to protocol. A lack of recent improvement in survival in TYAwith bone tumours may be linkedto a lack of specialist care, poor concordance with therapy in some situations and TYA-specific pharmacology.Participation in clinical trials, particularly of young adults, is low, hindering progress. All these requirements may be bestmet by a concerted effort to create collaborative care between adult and paediatric experts in bone sarcoma, workingtogether to meet TYA patients’ needs.Key words: osteosarcoma, bone tumours, Ewing sarcoma, teenage and young adults (TYA), adolescents and youngadults (AYA)
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