Bacterias productoras de reguladores del crecimiento vegetal como alternativa biotecnológica en el enraizamiento de acodos de aguacate (Persea americana)

In order to evaluate the effect of the application of native strains of indole acetic acid (AIA)producing bacteria on the formation of radical primordia of avocado etiolate shoots, sevenbacterial strains were isolated from soil of avocado rhizosphere. Soil samples were collectedin San Juan Elotepec, Villa Sola de Vega, Oaxaca in Mexico. Pure cultures of the three strainswith the highest yielding capacity and their mixtures were prepared (concentration equivalentto 300-350 X 106 cells mL-1 in McFarland scale). Two forms of application were tested: to thesubstrate and with a brush directly on the wound, besides the application to the substrate. Inthe studied conditions, only the treatment Cepa 1+Cepa 6 combination stimulated the rootingof avocado lines. Promote the presence and activity of this kind of bacteria in soil is importantbecause of their impact on the establishment and development of plants in an agroecosystem.
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