The Fisher Site: Archaeological, Geological and Paleobotanical Studies at an Early Paleo-Indian Site in Southern Ontario, Canada

Fisher Site (BcHa-45) is a large interval. No radiocarbon dates are availPaleo-Indian (Parkhill complex) site able from the site itself. Storck emphanear the south shore of Georgian Bay in sizes the site's significance, noting that, at southern Ontario. Although published about 22 hectares, this is "the first large in 1997, this report is based on fieldParkhill complex site to be reported work undertaken between 1975-1980, in detail," and, for the Great Lakes with subsequent analyses and results. It region, this publication "is only the third presents an integrated picture of landdetailed report on a large, multi-area scapes around the site at the time of site" since the early 1950s (p. 3). occupation. The project is described Fieldwork identified 19 lithic conin eight chapters subdivided into three centrations across the site. All artifacts parts. Part 1 describes "The Archaeolwere recovered from the plough zone ogy of the Fisher Site." Part 2 focusses or disturbed contexts. No intact culon "The Geological and Palaeoenvironturai deposits were discovered. Luckmental Context of the Fisher Site and ily, the site was unknown to local Region." Part 3 is a concluding "Overpeople before this project. Storck view"), consisting of a single chapter therefore believes that the assemblage followed by a reference list and two was not biased by selective surface colappendices (pollen analysis and an artilecting. He concludes that the artifacts fact catalogue) . are the "product of a single cultural Chapter 1 introduces the Fisher Site group" based on stylistic and techand outlines the fieldwork conducted, nological characteristics of the fluted The site is near the strandline of glacial points. Lithic concentrations varied Lake Algonquin, a Late Pleistocene highacross the site, perhaps because difstand of Lake Huron. Storck assumes ferent areas were used for different that occupation is roughly contempopurposes. This suggested that detailed raneous with this highstand and thus analysis might yield information on occurred in the 11,500-10,400 yr BP activity organization.
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