The beginnings and early whereabouts of Legio II Traiana Fortis

espanolLas legiones romanas altoimperiales eran unidades militares con gran movilidad a las que se requeria que se desplazaran rapidamente alla donde su emperador ordenara y por lo tanto algunas de ellas no tuvieron asignado un asentamiento definitivo durante mucho tiempo. Analizamos y discutimos las posibles primeras localizaciones de la Legio II Traiana Fortis, la segunda legion fuerte de Trajano, una legion que, hasta su asentamiento definitivo en Egipto, fue acuartelada en Judea. Analizando la evidencia arqueologica y epigrafica actual, concluimos en que ano exacto fue transferida a Judea y que legiones cambiaron de localizacion en Egipto y Oriente Proximo durante los primeros anos de mandato de Adriano EnglishThe early Imperial Roman legions were military units with great mobility which were required to move quickly wherever their emperor ordered and therefore some of them were not assigned to a definite camp for a long time. We analyze and discuss the possible early whereabouts of Legio II Traiana Fortis, the strong second Trajan’s legion, a legion which, until its definite settlement in Egypt, was garrisoned in Judea. By analyzing current archaeological and epigraphical evidence, we conclude in which exact year it was transferred to Judea and which legions were displaced in Egypt and the Middle East during the first years of Hadrian’s reign.
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