Estrutura diamétrica de Dipteryx alata vog. em áreas com diferentes níveis de extração de frutos e antropização Diameter structure of Dipteryx alata vog. in areas with different levels of fruit extraction and anthropization

The aim of this work was to verify the effect of Dipteryx alata Vogel fruit extraction in the diametric structure of plants of this species, in lots under different intensities of harvest. In each lot were established three plots of 50 x 50m. In these, all individuals of D. alata were measured at base diameter. The Liocourt coefficient "q" was calculated for each diameter class to verify if it is constant from one class to the next. It was measured 894 individuals, being 162 in the area 1; 365 in the area 2; 225 in area 3 and 142 in the area 4. Frequency data showed for all lots, that the smallest diameter class was more frequent, and with individual absence in some intermediate classes. The lot that was more near to the inverse "J" model was the control. Each type of lot showed different diametric structure and, these differences was principally observed in the diameter intermediate classes, and it is perturbation indicative. In the lot 2 a major number of young individuals were observed, indicating a protection effect offered by the households.
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