Functional state of the cardiovascular system in women with various level of vegetative tonus

Introduction . An assessment of the level of functioning and reactivity of the cardiovascular system in various states and on various loads with taking into account such typology can be useful for prediction and prevention of human regulatory disorders. Purpose . To study the peculiarities of arterial pressure and heart rate variability in women with various levels of vegetative tone. Method . Measurements were made on 57 women aged 18-19 years in conditions close to the state of the main exchange in the lying position and during the tilt-test. For all experiment participants, the trials were carried out three times: in follicular (I), ovulatory (II), and luteal (III) phases of the ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC). Blood pressure levels were measured and heart rate spectral analysis was also measured. Results . In women with vagotonia, the level of diastolic blood pressure is higher than for the women with sympathetic disease. Women with sympathetic disease have more optimal adaptive changes during the ovarian-menstrual cycle according to HRV characteristics compared with parasympatotonics. The analysis of the reactivity of the normalized power of the r-R spectrum oscillations during the OMC indicates the more prognostically positive shifts of the sympathetic balance of the weight and sympathetic compared with the vagotonics. Originality. For the first time, the dynamics of blood pressure and wave structure of the cardiac rhythm in women with different levels of weight and sympathetic balance during CMC are shown. Conclusions . Adaptive changes of the cardiovascular system of women are significantly dependent on the initial level of vegetative tone.
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